10 Requirements for Title I Programs
Ten Requirements for Title I Programs
- Comprehensive Needs Assessment. All students are evaluated using the Title I/At-Risk Selection Criteria, which includes district, classroom, and standardized assessments, as well as socio-economic and behavioral information. The Steering Committee also reviews results from state and district assessments, enrollment trends, demographics, and survey results from parents, students, and staff.
- School-wide Reform Strategies. Goals, strategies, and interventions are developed in response to the comprehensive needs assessment.
- Instruction by Highly Qualified Staff. All teachers and paraprofessionals meet the federal guidelines for highly qualified staff.
- Strategies to Attract Highly Qualified Staff. Carman-Ainsworth recruits teachers through the GISD website and area job fairs. 100% of teachers are highly qualified and many also hold advanced degrees.
- Professional Development.
- Professional learning community meetings during late start Wednesdays
- District grade level meetings with support from district coaches and independent consultants.
6. Family Involvement/Parent Involvement
- Family Learning Nights
- School Newsletter
- District Newspaper
- School Curriculum Nights
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- School Improvement Steering Committee
- Title I Parent Involvement Committee
- Parent-Teacher Club
7. Transition Activities
- Kindergarten Round-up
- Kindergarten Open House
- Parent Pamphlets
- Getting Ready for Kindergarten Kits
8. Teacher Participation in Assessment Decisions. All teachers participate in school improvement planning and weekly Professional Learning Community meetings.
9. Timely Additional Assistance
- Academic Interventions
- Early Literacy Intervention (ELI)
- Kindergarten ELI
- Road to the Code
- Lunchtime Homework Help
- Lunchtime Math Games
- Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI)
- Family Learning Nights
- Small Group Tutoring
- Community Mentors
- Summer School
- Super Summer Success
- Success Maker
- Math Interventions (TOMMI)
- Fluency and Comprehension Groups
10. Coordination of Resources
- After School Programs
- Lunchtime Tutors
- Volunteers
- At-Risk Services
- Community Groups
- Positive Behavior Support
- Local Churches
- Lion’s Club
- Old Newsboys
- C-A/Bendle Senior Citizens