Annual Education Report - Randels
February 12, 2025
Dear Parents and Community Members:
We are pleased to present you with the Annual Education Report (AER), which provides key information on the 2023-24 educational progress for Randels Elementary. The AER addresses the complex reporting information required by federal and state laws. The school’s report contains information about student assessment, accountability, and teacher quality. If you have any questions about the AER, please contact Karri Forrest for assistance.
The AER is available for you to review electronically by visiting the following website, or you may review a copy in the main office at your child’s school.
For the 2024-25 school year, schools were identified based on previous years’ performance using definitions and labels as required in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). A Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) school is one that had at least one underperforming student subgroup in 2023-24. An Additional Targeted Support (ATS) school is one that had a student subgroup performing at the same level as the lowest 5% of all schools in the state in 2021-22. A Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) school is one whose performance was in the lowest 5% of all schools in the state, had a graduation rate at or below 67%, or failed to exit ATS status in 2021-22. Some schools are not identified with any of these labels. In these cases, no label is given.
Our school has not been given one of these labels.
For the 2024-2025 school year, Randels Elementary staff has analyzed our MSTEP assessment data along with current NWEA and Lexia data to guide our instruction and interventions. We continue to show growth in many areas and are working continuously to improve in identified areas of weakness. We are continuing to implement new math curriculum: enVision Math and Number Corner. In Reading, we are focusing our instruction with Orton-Gillingham in grades K through 2 and Morphology in grades 3 though 5. We are also providing reading and math interventions to support our highest-need students as we are working to close any learning gaps.
We appreciate the continued support of parents, staff and our community in this effort. Parents and community members can become involved at Randels in a variety of ways and include but are not limited to: Parent Teacher Organization, Title I, Expectations Committee, Continuous Improvement Committee, bi-annual Parent/Teacher conferences, Afterschool program support, student mentoring and classroom volunteering.
State law requires that we also report additional information.
Students that live within the designated school boundaries are able to attend Randels Elementary School. Additionally, parents may complete forms for Internal Schools of Choice Application if they reside within the Carman-Ainsworth School’s district boundaries. For families who are not residents of Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools, they may apply through the district’s school of choice program.
Randels Elementary School is committed to continuous school improvement and has adopted a Professional Learning Community approach in order to fulfill this commitment. Randels has established school-wide improvement goals in mathematics, reading, and the whole child through the MICIP process based on identified needs. Specific strategies for each grade level have been identified based on researched best practices to address these goals.
Curriculum is developed and implemented based on the Common Core Standards as well as focusing on the Priority Standards developed as a district. Information regarding the core curriculum is contained in grade level pacing guides and teacher provided parent information packets.
Randels Elementary measures student achievement in multiple ways. On the M-STEP assessment, overall we are continuing to make growth towards meeting grade-level proficiency in all content areas. The NWEA assessment has been utilized to determine annual student academic growth in mathematics and reading.
Randels Elementary prides itself with communicating with parents and guardians as evident in the chart of participation at parent/teacher conferences held annually in the Fall and Spring.
Parent/Teacher Conference Attendance
Number of Parents |
Percent of Parents |
2022-2023 |
Fall |
291 |
80% |
2022-2023 |
Spring |
295 |
76% |
2023-2024 |
Fall |
243 |
75% |
2023-2024 |
Spring |
264 |
82% |
In closing, it is with great pride and enthusiasm that the entire staff and learning community of Randels Elementary present this report to you. Through our continuous dedication and devotion to our students and families, Randels will continue to be a leading educational institution within our community.
Karri Forrest, Principal
Randels Elementary