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Meet Mrs Winter

Mrs. Winter
Hi! My name is Mrs. Winter. Welcome to my class! Let me tell you a little about myself.       
This is my 27th year teaching and my 20th year in Carman-Ainsworth School District. I have taught Kindergarten Prep, Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, and 1st/2nd Multiage. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Education and am certified in Elementary and Early Childhood. I also have a Master's Degree with a specialization in Literacy K-12.       
I live in Goodrich with my husband and 2 children. My daughter is 18 years old and attends Ohio University. My son is 16 and is a sophomore at Goodrich High School. I also have 3 dogs: Rosie, Bailey, and Scout. My family keeps me very busy while I'm not at school going to school events and sports activities. 
Here are a few of my favorite things:
      Favorite Books - Mystery
      Favorite Restaurant - Olive Garden                                     
      Favorite Drink - Caffeine-Free Coke
      Favorite Candy - Peanut M&Ms
      Favorite Snack - Trail Mix 
      Favorite Dessert - Ice Cream
      Favorite Color - Purple
      Favorite Sport - Hockey and Soccer
      Favorite Place to Visit - Disney World 
Winter Family 2022